Open Capture The Flag IV
Here are the scores from oCTF IV. In addition to the scores for each team, we also mention which services were owned by which teams and for how many points at the bottom. If you played oCTF IV, and have code, hints, or explanations as to how you scored some points, please send it to so I can include some solutions on the site when we post a write-up of the challenges.
Team name | Score |
vand | 5698 |
DDUCK | 2765 |
wwbd | 1627 |
rgw2 | 1492 |
neg9 | 1109 |
sudoers | 360 |
The 5th Octet | 337 |
Kelson | 162 |
big pimpin thug-a-lot | 101 |
Cthulu | 60 |
DEFCON Switzerland | 10 |
sitc | 7 |
BinaryCell | 7 |
Dudebro | 6 |
Padre | 4 |
MaruchiArachi | 4 |
KIO | 4 |
drug_apathy | 4 |
Maveric | 3 |
dc208 | 3 |
Raven House | 2 |
lol bbq ch33ze8urg3rs | 2 |
general | 2 |
confused | 2 |
b424 | 2 |
AceOfSpades | 2 |
5154C | 2 |
shell.ini | 1 |
notateamname | 1 |
AndrE VF | 1 |
Now here are the services, and which team pwned them, and for how many points
- Auction purchases - vand(954)
- Auction sales - neg9(759), sudoers(195)
- Highest Credit - rgw2(902), The 5th Octet(6), everyone else(3 or less)
- Lowest Credit - vand(945), everyone else(less than 10)
- Most Equity - DDUCK(461), neg9(235), Kelson(110), rgw2(92), vand(44), big pimpin thug-a-lot(39)
- Badge soldering - rgw2(45), vand(15)
- Ice Cream Shoppe - DDUCK(545), rgw2(175), neg9(88)
- LarpQL - DDUCK(638), vand(121), kelson(31), neg9(24), big pimpin thug-a-lot(2), rgw2(1)
- Maze - DDUCK(476), sudoers(156), rgw2(128), wwbd(127), Cthulu(58), kelson(21), The 5th Octet(17), maveric(2), neg9(1), vand(1)
- Pwned the box( - vand(1500), wwbd(1500)
- Social Engineering - big pimpin thug-a-lot(17) (I forget what they gave us, but they just wanted to break the 100 mark, no matter what the cost!)
- T0astCR - DDUCK(645), rgw2(149), bingpimpin thug-a-lot(40), vand(26)
- War Games - vand(2025), The 5th Octet(306)